
Nowadays mediation is increasingly known and is an endorsed way of alternative dispute resolution, and also in case of a family law related dispute it can significantly help the parties to conclude an amicable agreement by the help of a qualified mediator that is in line with the legal regulations. That way a litigation is avoidable or the duration or costs of a court procedure can be significantly reduced.

In a specific case one can be a mediator – amongst other professional criteria – only if she/he received a proper professional education, and about whom the parties have a common agreement. During the mediation process the parties also may be helped and advised by their own legal representatives.

On the first session of the mediation the mediator informs the parties – amongst other issues – on the principles of the procedure, the process and the costs. In case the parties jointly wish the continuation of the procedure on the first session, they record this in a written declaration.

During the procedure the parties shall be interviewed in person, but it is also possible for them to be interviewed separately by the mediator (caucus), who will convey the party’s point of view to the other party. The mediation shall have more than one „rounds”, meaning several meetings and discussion can be held.

If the mediation was successful the procedure concludes by signing a written agreement, or, if no agreement was concluded between the parties, any of them may inform the other party and the mediator that he deems the procedure terminated. In order to avoid any procrastination, unless agreed otherwise by the parties the procedure terminates after four months following the signing of the initial cooperation declaration.


Marital agreement



Dissolution of marriage

Child custody

Parental kidnapping

ZHK Zöld-Horváth-Kölcsényi Law Firm


Appointments may only be scheduled after prior consultation
via phone or e-mail.


1145 Budapest, Mexikói Street. 52/A.
Floor 1, door 5, doorbell 13

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